
Sunday, November 1, 2015

Homecoming Talk

HIII hermanos y hermanas!!!  Can you all believe I have been home for 2 months now?!  The blessings of a mission are priceless.  I just want to go back. 

 For those of you who were unable to make it to my homecoming talk/ my sister's farewell talk here it is...
Side note:  A quartet of brethren sang "Brightly Beams Our Father's Mercy" and surprised everyone by singing the last verse and chorus in Spanish...YES, I was crying.   

Let the lower lights be burning;
Send a gleam across the wave.
Some poor fainting, struggling seaman
You may rescue, you may save.

I know that this is THE TRUE CHURCH.  I would NOT let my sister leave for 18 months if I did not know that this is the only true church on Earth. That is why in turn she allowed me to leave for the past 18 months to rescue and save my eternal Ecuadorian friends and above all to rescue myself, a poor fainting, struggling sea woman. The blessings of a mission are priceless and I would not desire anything more for my sister. 

Responding to an invitation from my Mission President and from the First Presidency of the Church to begin I wish to address the youth of the church and my sister, in relation to serving a mission.  Youth, becoming like Christ is HARD.  Becoming HIS representative is HARD.  Discipleship is HARD.  Imagine this: Walking out of an airplane parked on the tarmac, hitting into a wall of humidity that makes you immediately sweat and feel sticky, hopefully praying for air conditioning but sadly there is none, blankly nodding at what the Ecuadorians are saying because you know NO Spanish, being overly fed a heap of rice for every meal with the starter of soup which, SURPRISE has a pig’s foot with its stubby black hairs still intact; and to top it off persistently scratching your face that itches from the five mosquito bites that welcomed you into a new country.  How would you react? 

I felt overwhelmingly stressed, lost and doubtful of my decision to serve a mission and longingly hoping for those eighteen months to be over, even though I had just started day one.  The only relief I found that night involved a shower with bitter cold water and tears.  
In the book of First Thessalonians, Paul counseled the Thessalonians in a moment of doubt that they should be quick to “REJOICE EVERMORE.  Pray without ceasing.  And give thanks in ALL things.”  Honestly my reaction to my first day in Ecuador did not reflect, “Oh, let’s rejoice evermore!”  However, the following months my perspective on such doubtful and arduous instances altered dramatically.  I humbly saw a three year old boy dash out of his bamboo one-roomed home, shirtless with tattered pants too big for his stature, running shoeless with dirt plastered feet and outstretched arms to greet my companion and I.  Eager to reveal his new toy that his mom had so graciously given him, he ushered us to his designated play area where we came upon a freshly dug two inch hole.  His unforgettable smile, exposed his once white teeth now covered in charcoal colored plaque, indicated the pride and personal value of his toy.  He proudly gazed at us with his engaging eyes as he presented his used, sullied and chipped plastic spoon.  His “new toy”, an eating utensil, allowed him to rejoice and unconsciously ignore his state of living. 

I believe in rejoicing evermore.  From that day forward, after seeing true joy, I emphasized this belief and treasured countless plastic spoons that allowed me to “Rejoice evermore” just as the young three year old boy had taught me.  So youth, as Paul invited those in times of old, I do the same today…The mission WILL be hard, however you will LOVE IT if you, “Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing.  And give thanks in ALL things.”   The mission will not be the best two years OF your life, it will be the best two years FOR your life.
Brothers and Sisters, as I share a few moments of “Rejoicing evermore” more with you today, I earnestly pray that the Holy Spirit will abide here and astonish each one of you, not from the words that I will say but what the spirit will testify to each one of you.  HE knows you, and WILL communicate with you through the unspeakable gift of the Holy Ghost. 

“Walk tall you’re a daughter, a child of God.
Be strong, please remember who you are.
Try to understand.  You are part of his great plan.
He’s closer than you’ll know reach up he’ll take your hand.”

As we sang those words to our dear investigator, Katherine, a 20 year old single mom of 2 kids, Christian and Javier, we left her humble home in awe of her incredible faith and the matchless love the Savior had for her.  She would patiently care for her 2 boys until 5:30 pm when she would leave to night school, to hopefully receive at least her high school diploma.  Like many girls in Ecuador, she got pregnant at a young age and gave birth to a still born baby girl who she desperately wished to hold again.  Katherine, like all of us, had made many mistakes during her short 20 years on earth, therefore she was intrigued by the principles of repentance and eternal families and the ordinance of baptism. 

One day Katherine’s faith was tested when her friend introduced her to a flattering and very charming man.  The man owned a large mansion, fancy clothes, and a temporal substance she and her two sons lacked...MONEY.  Glorifying his wealth, he gave Katherine a tour of his mansion.  The unknown man promised her she could reside there and cleverly persuaded her that her and her two sons would never lack the things of the world.  All could be hers.  Money, food, an education.  However, there was one condition - she could not be baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Later, when recounting this story to us with her tear-stained face, Katherine said, "I need that money for my kids, we have little food and clothing and I receive no income to pay for my education or that of my children."  Despite her temporal need for food and clothing, and her desire to have the best for her kids, she declined the offer from the man and with stalwart faith told him, "I would rather have my children grow up and know they are a child of God than have your empty promises of wealth."  After declining the offer, her friends and family ridiculed her for her decision and they persuaded her to go back and accept the offer from the charming mysterious man. 
She traced her steps back to the mansion and only found a spacious field.  The mansion was no longer there.  She was left spinning in circles, in the empty field, confused as to where the mansion and handsome man had gone.   
Katherine said to us, “Hermanas that man…he was Satan – he promised me all the pleasures in the world if only I would NOT follow the example of Christ and become a member of His Church.  Satan wants everyone to be miserable like unto himself.”

But, like many courageous disciples before her, she declared, "THIS IS MY RELIGION!"

On May 31, 2014, Katherine Rosío Reyes Sanchez was baptized and confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and received the gift of the Holy Ghost.  She has been beaming with the light of Christ ever since.
The gospel for Katherine was wonderful and filled the void of emptiness and lack of physical substance in her humble home. 

Brothers and Sisters, is this gospel still wonderful to you?  Or has it become the “norm” in your life?  Can you yet see, hear, feel, and marvel? Or have your spiritual sensors gone into standby mode? 

I want each of you to think of the first undeniable time that you felt the influence of the Spirit, the first time you entered into the doors of the House of the Lord, the first time you truly prayed with a broken heart and a contrite spirit to our Heavenly Father, the first time you invited someone to hear what you believe, the first tender mercy that you recognized came from the Lord or the first time that you really applied the Atonement of Our Lord and Savior.  Ponder and listen intently and sincerely to the Spirit testifying to you as to why the gospel in this “first time moment” was so wonderful to you.  Do you wish to feel that way again?  YOU CAN!  You can feel that awe and wonder in the small and simple things.  In this past general conference, Elder Causse taught three principles on how we can continue in marveling at the gospel.  First, never tire of discovering or rediscovering the truths of the gospel.  Second, anchor your faith in the plain and simple truths of the gospel. And finally, to seek and cherish the companionship of the Holy Ghost.

The Book of Mormon highlights for many Nephites and Lamanites, their first time witnessing a sign that came from heaven that preceded the coming of the Messiah to the Americas. Suddenly the signs of His birth appeared in the heavens. The people were so stricken with astonishment that they humbled themselves, and nearly ALL were converted. However, only a short four years later, as it says in 3 Nephi 2:1, “the people began to forget those signs and wonders which they had heard, and began to be less and less astonished at a sign or a wonder from heaven, insomuch that they began to be hard of hearts, and blind in their minds, and began to disbelieve all which they had heard and seen.”

We are blessed to live in a place where the Church is well established, and the majority of those you associate with are members.  I grew up here. I had a discernible and tender testimony of the truthfulness of the restored gospel.  However, before the mission I was not always anxiously participating personally in the teachings of the gospel, such as reading the scriptures every day or saying my personal prayers, despite what my parents had taught me.  The gospel had stopped being wonderful to me.  It was just normal.  The primary answers seemed so simple to me, that they became less and less important.  In Alma 37:41, my dilemma was highlighted when Alma, addressing his son Helaman, says…“Nevertheless, because those miracles were worked by small means it did show unto them marvelous works.  They were slothful, and forgot to exercise their faith and diligence and then those marvelous works ceased, and they did not progress in their journey.” Alma continued to council Helaman in verse 46, “O my son, do not let us be slothful because of the easiness of the way; for so was it prepared for them, that if they would look they might live; even so it is with us.  The way is prepared and if we will look we may live forever.”
In my first area, we lived a good 20-30 min away, in walking distance, from our assigned proselyting area.  Every morning on the familiar walk there we passed an eye-catching home with two flower pots outside, full of red flowers nicely kept, and embellished detail on the windows and door.  I remember seeing an older man sitting outside the house in a red plastic chair reading a book and I had the thought, "Hey, he likes to read - give him a Book of Mormon!” After having the thought I would always rationalize it away with something like, "No, you don’t know enough Spanish!” or “You just want to share the gospel with everyone because you are a missionary.  Plus, we have lunch or a visit right now and can’t be late!"  I specifically remember failing at least two times to initially heed the prompting from the Holy Ghost upon seeing this old man.

One evening we passed the house with the two flower pots and there was the old man in his red plastic chair reading another book.  I thought, "Hey, look he is reading again...he really does love to read...the prompting came again…give him a Book of Mormon."  My companion had a similar feeling so we both looked at each other and approached the man in the red chair!  So I introduced myself and asked, “Do you like to read?”  He looked at me and pondered the strange question from the foreign girl, and responded “Yes, why?” “We have a book that you will just love! May we come in and present it to you?”  Carlos Pacheco invited us into his home we had a PERFECT first lesson and he accepted to be baptized in 2 weeks.  Like GOLDEN INVESTIGATOR ALERT!! (In the back of my head I was thinking why I didn’t listen to the spirit earlier this guy is golden)  HE even gave the closing prayer PERFECTLY.  We asked him if he was a member of the Church and he said no.  Still doubting because it was a seriously perfect and organized prayer we asked him again and he said no.  The next day we came back and he apologized for not telling us earlier that he was baptized about 40 years ago and had been inactive for more than 30 of those, so he didn’t think he was still a member of the Church.  His wife had died 4 years ago as a faithful, active member of the church, but they were never sealed in the temple to each other or to their 11 children because at the time, there wasn’t a temple in Guayaquil and they didn’t have enough money to travel to the temple in Lima, Peru.

His son was the current Stake Presidency’s secretary and had sent MANY missionaries to invite him to church again, but he NEVER let them in.  Carlos and his son expressed their gratitude believing that we were an answer to his prayer as we reminded him of the great plan of happiness and that Heavenly Father loved him.  The Spirit had told me beforehand to stop and give him a Book of Mormon but I did not listen and quickly rationalized away the prompting.  We were just beaming when we found out he was already a member - all he needed was a loving and helping hand to bring him back to the gospel of Jesus Christ.  As we told Carlos, it does not matter how long you have been inactive, you are a member of His church!

May we always go straight way without fears or any inconvenience and rescue the one!  The lost, the last, and the least.  God is aware of each of us.  God was aware of Carlos Pacheco and placed him in our path so he can become, Carlos Pacheco in the red plastic chair, reading the Book of Mormon!  He later entered the Temple in Guayaquil to do baptisms for and behalf of his loved ones and is preparing to be sealed to his wife and their 11 children in the coming months.

Carlos over 30 years ago, stopped marveling at this gospel.  But remembered that wonder and his “first timers” years later.        
In D and C 20: 32-34 says, “But there is a possibility that man may fall from grace and depart from the living God:  Therefore let the church take heed and pray always, lest they fall into temptation; Yea, and even let those who are sanctified take heed also.”  Do each one of us need to take heed, in Spanish it says cuidar which also means to watch out for, ourselves?  Yes.  Does the Bishop need to?  Yes.  Stake President? Yes.  The prophet?  Yes, of course.  Brothers and sisters please do not be swayed by the easiness of the way.
  At some point maybe we have felt like the prodigal son did as recorded in Luke chapter 15 verses 20 and 21,
“And he arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him.
And the son said unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy son.”
Have you ever said this or something similar before?  Perhaps when your heart was broken and your sprit contrite in prayer with our Heavenly Father?  Have you ever felt unworthy to be called HIS son or daughter?  LISTEN to what the father’s response was...
“But the father said to his servants, Bring forth the BEST ROBE, and put it on him; and put a RING on his hand, and SHOES on his feet:

And bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it; and let us eat, and be merry...
For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.”
Our Heavenly Father and HIS son saw you and will have compassion and RUN and embrace you.  In his talk, Elder Holland taught,
"Only the Father and His Only Begotten Son can do that. Salvation is in them only. So we pray that they will help us, that they will “come out” to meet and embrace us and bring us into the feast they have prepared. They will do this!"
Why the BEST ROBE, a RING and SHOES?

Our Heavenly Father, in those moments of "I am unworthy to be called thy son or daughter" will clothe us with the ROBES of HIS son.  The BEST ROBE he could ever offer us.
Elder Holland said, "I know that if we will be faithful, there is a perfectly tailored robe of righteousness ready and waiting for everyone, robes … made … white in the blood of the Lamb.”

Then the RING.  A ring is a symbol of love something eternal and commitment in marriage. The truth is, is that when we are baptized we are ALL married to, or better said, become part of the family of Christ.  After our baptism we express our love and commitment to Him by keeping the commandments and continuing the process of changing, repenting and constantly renewing our covenants with Him.  
The SHOES allow that we may walk in the footsteps of HIS Son and follow His example continually.  And, I will add that they are the GREATEST brand of shoes ;) because they will ENDURE TO THE END. 

I know with ALL my heart that if we come unto our Father in HEAVEN and ask for forgiveness, like the prodigal son, HE will give us THE BEST ROBE, a RING of promise and SHOES top follow in.  I also know that HE will, like the scripture says in Spanish, throw a "fiesta" because HIS son or daughter has been found!

I will forever be grateful for my Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, and for these 3 gifts that were given to me as the gospel became wonderful for me again. 

   Our investigator, Hermanegildo, otherwise known as Poleto, suffered from depression.  And when I say depression, I mean HE was DEPRESSED.  During a visit, Poleto told us of a time where he almost took his life.  He said, “Hermanas I almost tied the rope around my neck...but I saw a LIGHT and heard a voice tell me that I was needed here on earth.  So I dropped the rope.”  Poleto continued by explaining how, even after this experience, he STILL did not feel like God needed him here.  We were then prompted to share a short video with him called “The Hope of God’s Light” that relates a very similar story about a man named Todd Sylvester.        

After the video ended the Spirit was so strong in the room and I asked him, “Poleto, do you believe that we are sent from God?”  He paused, thought for a moment, and then said, “You could be...I don’t know?”  On this day, I had exchanges with Hermana Jaimes, and we both looked at each other without saying anything then knelt down.  As we were kneeling on the ground, we invited Poleto to PRAY right then and ask our Heavenly Father if He had sent us there to help.  With our eyes shimmering with tears and hopeful faces, we waited until he slowly got down on his knees and offered the most fervent and sincere prayer.  He expressed his sadness, frustrations and everything that was troubling him...and innocently asked if God would let him know if we were sent BY Him and if this was HIS true church.

There was a pause in his prayer as Poleto was unable to speak and tears ran freely down his cheeks.  He finished the prayer, and we looked around the room which included Manuel Santana (who was recently baptized), his best friend Johnny, and Hermana Jaimes and I, ALL with tear stained faces.  I mustered the question again..."Poleto, do you believe that we are sent from God?"  He looked us both in the eyes and said, "Yes I do!"  And of course the next question was..."Do you believe that this is the church of God."  He replied, "It is undeniably the truth, Hermanas!" 

Afterwards I testified, and now testify to ALL of you, that as missionaries, we ARE sent from God to answer His children’s prayers.  The hope of God’s light is REAL.  In that moment, MY words were HIS words.  The Savior understands us all.  Poleto also needed comfort and so God, just like that night, sent an ANGEL to comfort him.  God DOES listen, and wants us to act on our faith to FIND His light.  We can come to know Him by serving Him.

 Now, to close, I would like to quote from the late Elder Boyd K Packer’s poem called “These Things I Know”, as I feel that his words have become mine as I have served my Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ…

I now can say with all certainty
That I KNOW and LOVE the Lord.
I can TESTIFY with them of old
As I preach His holy word.

I know what He felt in Gethsemane
Is too much to comprehend.
I know He did it all for us;
We have no greater Friend.

I know that He will come anew
With power and in glory.
I know I will see Him once again
At the end of my life’s story.

I’ll kneel before His wounded feet;
I’ll feel His Spirit glow.
My whispering, quivering voice will say,
“My Lord, my God, I know.”

Y yo si lo conozco! Jesús vendrá otra vez con poder y Gloria.  Espero de seguir conociéndolo para que en el último día me conocerá como uno de sus siervos. 

Dios es un Dios de amor, ira, milagros, El ama la justicia y aborrece la maldad, es celoso, requiere sacrificio, no puede mentir, es perfecto.  Sé que Él es nuestro Padre Celestial y tiene un plan perfecto para cada uno de nosotros.  En su infinito amor, mando a su hijo para que en aquel que en El cree no se pierde más tenga vida eterna.  Su expiación es suficiente para cada uno de nosotros.  Sé también que hay un don impecable que nos ha dado del Espíritu Santo para guiarnos e inspirarnos a donde debemos de ir.  Sé que José Smith fue un profeta, lo sé porque lo he defendido y sentido el poder de sus frutos.  Uno de estos siendo El Libro de Mormón.  Ese libro es perfecto y es la clave de mi testimonio.  La historia de mi vida está aquí, el suyo también.  Sé que Dios revele sus secretos por medio de sus siervos los profetas.  Siéguenlos. La Iglesia es verdadera. Les Amo. 
En el nombre de Jesucristo, Amen.        

Monday, August 17, 2015

These Things I Know

August 17, 2015

Hola Familia,

AHHH I can’t believe that this is the LAST time I will have to write you guys…and that soon I’m leaving to come home.  Voy a extrañar de ser misionera ;( [I’m going to miss being a missionary.]  Your letters this week made me bawl like a little baby.  The guys next to me here in the internet café thought my dog died or something.  

As I begin to write this I’m already tearing up so this might come out a bit sentimental.  ;)  As I think of ALL my letters that I have sent home in the past year and a half, the most repeated phrase found would probably be...“I just LOVE being a missionary!”  But really.  I LOVE it with ALL my heart.  I have REJOICED EVERMORE, prayed WITHOUT ceasing, and GIVEN thanks in ALL things! (1 Thes. 5:16-18)

I am and will be forever grateful to my Father in Heaven for calling me to be a representative of His Son, Jesus Christ.  I could sit here ALL day and tell you how much I love the mission, but I want to take this opportunity to tell you what I KNOW. 

First, that unspeakable gift, the companionship and power of the Holy Ghost allowed for my words to be CHRIST’s words.  This unspeakable gift of the peace of God, which passeth ALL understanding, works in PERFECT unity with our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, and causes us to pause, kneel and heed its promptings.  Let’s just say my knees are a little calloused and bruised from kneeling on cement and sometimes dirt floors while receiving this divine guidance. 

Over the past 18 months my heart has changed and this has led to my conversion.  I HAVE used, and will forever use Christ’s infinite atonement to continually change me from something good to something much better.  Indeed, I have felt to sing the song of redeeming love.  So...in response to Alma’s question “can you feel so now?”  I answer with certainty - OF COURSE I CAN! 

The Holy Ghost testifies of the Father and the Son, as will I.  As stated in my patriarchal blessing and after the many miracles seen in my mission, I AM a WITNESS that Christ LIVED and ATONED for US.  I know that He LIVES once again, and because He lives, we shall live also.  His atonement is very DEAR to me, it always has been and always will be.  Just as an angel came to comfort the Savior in the Garden of Gethsemane, I know with all my heart that Christ will do the same for US!  For He has succored and extended HIS love unto a ONE such as I during my mission.  It is truly wonderful to me. 

Christ gave us an impeccable example to follow which implores EACH of us to echo His own words in saying, “I came to do the will of my Father.”  As a missionary, I have seen those who have followed this example, and answered His invitation to Come Follow Me.  I TESTIFY that miracles have not ceased on the earth and that following our older Brother WILL bring us to REJOICE EVERMORE!

His Father, OUR Father is a God of love, justice, mercy, laws, miracles, perfection, power, discipline, truth, forgiveness, order and MUCH, MUCH more.  He is truly perfect and has a PERFECT plan for ALL of us.  Part of His perfect plan for me was coming here to Ecuador.  I thank him every day for the chance He gave me to LOVE His children here so deeply, just as He would if He or His Son were here on earth.  It was hard leaving my family to come to a foreign country, but I know I will see you all YA MISMO [SOON] ;) and I KNOW my family is eternal.  What makes ending my mission SO HARD is I am not sure when I will see my Ecuadorian family again.  Before I leave I will just have to hug each one of them until their EYES start bulging. ;)  I told them all this week that I will be saving a seat for every single one of them in the celestial kingdom of heaven, and if they are not there they will have to suffer the wrath of Hermana B.  ;) HAHA

I am going to struggle without a companion by my side every moment of the day.  President Riggins says the cure for that is getting married soon.  HAHA FUNNY PRESIDENTE!  I think my rice belly, mosquito bitten BODY (here they bite you everywhere, not just on your legs...it’s lovely) and once lice-infested hair will scare all men away. ;) 

But getting back to companions, during my mission Heavenly Father blessed me with the chance to meet 6 truly loved and now ETERNAL friends:

Hermana Toledo, AHH I just love her with all my heart.  She was my mom when I arrived here, caring and protecting me from harm.  She taught me how to BE a missionary and to LOVE every minute of it.  She also constantly showed me that PRAYER truly is a privilege to talk to OUR HEAVENLY KING.

Hermana Toledo

Hermana Latorre, haha she is crazy and yet the most OBEDIENT companion I had.  She taught me that working diligently and intelligently will give you much satisfaction and love for this work.

Hermana Latorre

Hermana Perez taught me how mission work is more than just teaching – it includes working with the ward council, and utilizing the ward directory or basically ANY list the church has, to find those who are lost yet prepared to come back and accept this gospel.  She also taught me the importance of FEARING GOD more than MAN. 

Hermana Perez

Hermana Vilchez, MI HIJITA, is the strongest person I know.  She taught me that God loves us even when we don’t necessarily want to love Him, and that because He loves us He gave us a Plan of Salvation. 

Hermana Vilchez

Hermana Blacutt taught me to not be offended by what others say in church or how they look at you.  Also, that we should go to church because it is there we strengthen our faith and find the saving ordinances that will get us back to God.  Her final lesson was that it sucks going home, which I am coming to understand now. ;( 

Hermana Blacutt

AND finally Hermana Rebolledo reminded me of how much I LOVE Chilenas.  Dad we have to go to Chile soon!  She is the greatest example to me of being teachable and truly living up to your full potential as a missionary.

Hermana Rebolledo

Family, I know that the Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ and has brought me closer to HIM and our Father than any other book.  I have read boldly from it every day and I know that it has the power to soften our hearts.  I also know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and that through him, God restored the FULLNESS of the gospel of Jesus Christ here to the earth in these last days.  I have defended and PRAISED him that could easily be classified as the most attacked prophet who has ever lived.  He was not perfect and did not know everything, but was WILLING to learn everything and bring about God’s work here on the earth.  I also know that the temple is GOD’S UNIVERSITY.  I LOVE the temple and am SO grateful for the covenants I have made with my Heavenly Father there.

Now, to close my LAST letter, I would like to quote again from the late Elder Boyd K Packer’s poem called “These Things I Know”, as I feel that his words have become my words… 

I now can say with all certainty
That I KNOW and LOVE the Lord.
I can TESTIFY with them of old
As I preach His holy word (for one more week as a full-time missionary).

I know what He felt in Gethsemane
Is too much to comprehend.
I know He did it all for us;
We have no greater Friend.

I know that He will come anew
With power and in glory.
I know I will see Him once again
At the end of my life’s story.

I’ll kneel before His wounded feet;
I’ll feel His Spirit glow.
My whispering, quivering voice will say,
“My Lord, my God, I know.”

And I DO KNOW!  Jesus Christ will come again in Glory and I hope to continue to know Him, so at that day He will recognize ME as one of his servants and greet me with a warm embrace and say, “Well done thou good and faithful one.” 

Conclusions from the mission?  JESUS LIVES, THIS CHURCH IS TRUE, so REJOICE EVERMORE!!!

Hermana Jessica Jo Bartholomew

Monday, August 10, 2015

"The Greatest Day of My Life"

August 10, 2015

Hola Familia,

A few additional "LASTS" came and went this week, pero NO se preocupen, porque [but don’t worry, because] my last day still hasn’t come. ;)  

On Tuesday, I attended my LAST leaders council.   After, I took my LAST picture with two of my favorite people - Hermana Olsen (my CCM comp) and Hermana McKee.  It seems hard to believe that we arrived here in Ecuador together 16 months ago today!

April 10, 2014
August 4, 2015

I have no clue why they always put me in the middle of our pictures...it makes me look even shorter.  But it helped remind me of what the real world will be like when I get back.  ECUADORIANS are SHORT! My neck will probably be sore for the first few weeks after I return home because I am NOT used to looking up at people. haha ;)

This past week on Saturday we went to the TEMPLE in Guayaquil with Andreina, Jairon, Manuel, Robinson, and a BUNCH of other members from here in Buena Fe.  Manuel put it best when he said, "This has been the greatest day of my life."  He is seriously the cutest old man.  He cannot wait to be baptized for his son who passed away about 6 months ago!  All of the converts here are BEYOND excited to be sealed to their families in the temple during the coming year.

At Guayaquil temple with Lupita y Lisbeth - they are the cutest :)

Have I told you that I LOVE being a missionary? ;)

Sorry I don’t have enough time to write more this week, but I love you all and promise to write more next week!

Hermana Bartholomew

Las Hermanas de Buena Fe

Monday, August 3, 2015

The Hope of God's Light

August 3, 2015

Hola Familia,

It will never cease to amaze me at how TRULY small this world is and how fast it spins...because time is FLYING by.  I know I have said that MANY times, but I am called to testify of the truth and the truth I will testify of today is that time goes by WAY too fast!

The next few weeks will be full of “lasts” for me.  Sunday started it off as I was prompted to share my testimony in church for the LAST time as a full-time missionary.  Don’t worry I’m not trunky, but it is awful to think that this mantel I have as a missionary will not last forever.  
Sadly, I am off to my LAST (there’s another one) leaders conference today, so this letter will be short.

Our investigator, Hermanegildo, otherwise known as Poleto, suffers from depression.  And when I say depression, I mean HE IS DEPRESSED.  During a visit this week, Poleto told us of a time where he almost took his life.  He said, “Hermanas I almost tied the rope around my neck...but I saw a LIGHT and heard a voice tell me that I was needed here on earth.  So I dropped the rope.”  Poleto continued by explaining how, even after this experience, he STILL did not feel like God needed him here.  We were then prompted to share a short video with him called “The Hope of God’s Light” that relates a very similar story about a man named Todd Sylvester. 


After the video ended the Spirit was super strong in the room and I asked him, “Poleto, do you believe that we are sent from God?”  He paused, thought for a moment, and then said, “You could be...I don’t know?”  On this day, I was doing an intercambio [exchange] with Hermana Jaimes, and we both looked at each other and then knelt down.  As we were kneeling on the ground, we invited Poleto to PRAY right then and ask our Heavenly Father if He had sent us there to help.  With our eyes shimmering with tears and hopeful faces, we waited until he slowly got down on his knees and offered the most fervent and sincere prayer.  He expressed his sadness, frustrations and everything that was troubling him...and innocently asked if God would let him know if we were sent BY Him and if this was HIS true church. 

There was a pause in his prayer as Poleto was unable to speak and tears ran freely down his cheek.  He finished the prayer, and we looked around the room which included Manuel Santana (who was recently baptized), his best friend Johnny, and Hermana Jaimes and I, ALL with tear stained faces.  I mustered the question again..."Poleto, do you believe that we are sent from God?"  He looked us both in the eyes and said, "Yes I do!"  And of course the next question was..."Do you believe that this is the church of God."  He replied, "It is undeniably the truth, Hermanas!"  

Afterwards I testified, and now testify to ALL those who read this, that we, as missionaries, ARE sent from God to answer His children’s prayers.  The hope of God’s light is REAL.  In that moment, MY words were HIS words.  The Savior understands us all.  Poleto also needed comfort and so God, just like that night, sent an ANGEL to comfort him.  God DOES listen, and wants us to act on our faith to FIND His light.  We can come to know Him by serving Him.

I’ll close with the words of the dear late President Boyd K. Packer...

“I know that Jesus Christ will come anew with power and in glory.
I know I will see him once again at the end of my life’s story.
I’ll kneel before his wounded feet, I’ll feel his spirit glow. 
My whispering, quivering voice will say, my Lord, my God, I know.” 

I have come to know Him, and will continue all my life, so that when I am in His presence once more, I too can say..."TE CONOZCO!" [I KNOW YOU]

I love you all DEARLY, until next week! 

Hermana Bartholomew 

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Making Weak Things Strong

July 27, 2015

Hola Familia,

I just want to cry because this week went by WAY, WAY, WAY too fast!  And as a gift for completing 17 months in the mish, I got LICE.  Lovely.  Haha that’s what you get for lending someone your comb. 

I am also sad because one of my best friends from the mission, Hermana Te’o is going home this week. :(  BUT she is coming to visit Utah in December, so really it’s just a see you soon!  I hope I can take these last few weeks to become a missionary like HERMANA TE’O!  She is just the greatest, if I write more about her I will cry, so we will just leave it at that! 

Hermana Te'o

Mi compi has now hit the big 20 and also completed 9 months in the mission, I woke her up the morning of her birthday singing, “WOOO, YOU’RE HALF-WAY THERE, WOOOH LIVIN’ ON A PRAYER!”  However we forgot to take the infamous “BABY BELLY” picture, which obviously comes compliments of RICE, rice and MORE rice. Can you imagine how big mine is after 17 months? YIKES! 

HAPPY happy birthday compi, here's a chicken's foot for lunch!!! ;) 

Thinking...pose with a chicken's foot ;) 
After 17 months in the mission I STILL don't understand how to eat these things. 
(Side Note - there was blood on my hand after taking this picture.  
Only the best when freshly CHOPPED off the Chicken!)

THIS on the other hand was the GREATEST lunch we could have.  Lobster and crab, yum yum! 

Now for the best news of the week - ROBISON Romero was baptized!  I was SO proud watching Jairon baptize his baby brother.  When Robinson asked his brother to baptize him, Jairon BEAMED and said YES!  Then Robinson looked at us and said, “I better not get on his nerves or he might just leave me under the water.” :)  HAHA! They were both SO nervous but afterwards I had never seen them both so happy.

Jairon & Robinson Romero

Rejoicing Evermore with Robinson Romero

Robinson with his family.  His sisters came to support his decision - they were all SO proud!

I’m short on time this week, so I’ll leave you with this thought.  Our plea this week with all our investigators was...“if you feel small and weak, please simply come unto Christ who makes weak things strong.” 

Christ truly loves us and has made ME strong.  So I KNOW He can make you strong too! 

I Love you all.  Until next week! 

Hermana Bartholomew 

Note from Jessica's Dad:

Our family was in Hawaii this past week, and while there had yet another experience that strengthened our faith that God knows each of us individually and His love and tender mercies for us can be manifest in unexpected ways.  

To start, on Monday we received Jessica’s weekly e-mail, with the comment about Hermana Te’o finishing her mission.  Jessica met Hermana Te’o in her very first area of Babahoyo, where they lived together and became good friends as I’m sure they helped each other get through the challenges of being a new missionary in a foreign country.

On Tuesday, we took the family to a zipline activity on the north shore of Oahu.  During the activity, one of the guides there asked about our family and we told him that our oldest daughter was in Ecuador on an LDS church mission.  He said, “one of my best friends is just returning to Hawaii today from her mission in Ecuador.”  Having just read Jessica’s e-mail, and remembering that Hermana Te’o was from Hawaii, I said, “does her last name happen to be Te’o?”  He said, “YES!” 

Long story short, the guide made a couple of phone calls and connected with Hermana Te’o’s family.  They were at the airport in Honolulu picking her up.  After our zip line activity, we drove a short distance to the town of Laie, where we had the awesome experience of meeting Hermana Te’o and her family just as they were arriving back into town.  (They hadn’t even been to their home yet.)  We enjoyed a short visit and she expressed her love and appreciation for Jessica in helping her get through a tough time on her mission. 

Homecoming in Hawaii with Hermana Te'o

There is no way that our meeting Hermana Te’o was just a coincidence.  God knows us, and watches over us, wherever we are – including when we thousands of miles from home.  We have repeatedly seen His hand in Jessica’s mission and rejoice evermore with her in His infinite goodness and mercy!  

Monday, July 20, 2015


July 20, 2015

HAHA looks like God loves the Bartholomew and Dominguez families!!!  SO on Tuesday last week, I knew that new missionaries were coming, and that one of them would be Hermana Dominguez (from Draper).  Thinking that I wouldn’t get the chance to meet her in person, I asked one of the Hermanas from this area, who was going to Guayaquil to pick up her new trainee missionary, to take a mosquito killing essence with her and give it to Hermana Dominguez so she wouldn’t die from mosquitos the first night here in Ecuador like I did.

Well, it turns out that WE LIVE TOGETHER!!! Yup. Hermana Dominquez was assigned to Buena Fe as the first area of her mission, and we live in the same apartment.  (Thanks for sending the hug mom!) ;)  Hna Dominguez basically knows everything about my family, me included!  AND she is adorable and is already an INCREDIBLE missionary.  I was talking with the President Riggins and he agrees with me! 

Hermana Melissa Dominguez
Don't know if I ever explained this to you all, but en los pueblitos they peel oranges, when they aren't orange (not ripe) just enough so that the white skin is still there, and then you cut a hole in the top and squeeze the wonderfully delicious juice right into your mouth.  You look awkward while eating it, but it is amazing! 

Funny story, Hermana Dominguez and her companion got locked in their study room today for almost an hour, while Hna Rebolledo and I tried to take the doorknob off and rescue them.  HAHA, it was classic.  Also mi nieta [my granddaughter – the new Hermana Hna. Vilchez is training] came ALL the way from the States and es PILAS en su Español [she is wonderful with her Spanish].  Well, it turns out from the new missionaries that came in, 10 of them were sisters and with luck, 5 of them came here to QUEVEDO!!  WOOT! WOOT!  I love working with the new missionaries and the ENERGY they have to work. 

Los 4 Hermanas de Buena Fe

Things are just dandy here in good ol´ Buena Fe.  Robinson esta SUPER animado por su bautismo. (sorry I just realized that was in Spanish aaaah.)  [Robinson is super excited for his baptism.] He is determined to change his life for good.  His biological mom is coming all the way from Quito to support him in his decision to be baptized, so it is going to be a great day! 

Yesterday morning, Fernando told us that he wasn’t going to go to church anymore and that he will return all the folletos [pamphlets] and books that we have given him. :(  This absolutely crushed our hearts, but we know that in a few months he will either get married or stop breaking the law of chastity so he can get baptized.  

Ok, so we are short on time today BUT I have a quick story for you all.  On Tuesday, while eating our lunch at Issela´s Diner (she is a less-active member), we saw this guy named Marcos that is always there to help her wash dishes while he is waiting for another bus to come so he can sell pan de yuca to the passengers.  In my 5 months here we have invited him a million and two times to come to church and he has always said, “Hermanas, one day you will just see me show up to church…and the first time that I go it won’t be the last.” 

So on Tuesday, we were able to finally teach him.  He ended up missing his bus, but the gospel is important right?  ;)  He is a great salesman, so we told him that one day he could “sell the gospel”.  Which he said he would never do because once he HAS the gospel, he would never give it away, but that he WOULD share it with others while also keeping it for himself. :) At that point, the Spirit prompted us to read a scripture that truly knocked his socks off. We read from Section 39 of the DyC, and as he began reading…

Y ahora bien, he aquí, te digo, mi siervo James (we inserted his name MARCOS for James), he observado tus obras y te conozco.  [And now, behold, I say unto you, my servant James, I have looked upon thy works and I know thee.]  After he read this part, he paused and then looked up at us with tears in his eyes and asked us why we wanted him to read this.  We encourged him to keep reading...

Y de cierto te digo, tu corazón es recto delante de mí ahora; y he aquí, he conferido grandes bendiciones sobre tu cabeza; [And verily I say unto thee, thine heart is now right before me at this time; and, behold, I have bestowed great blessings upon thy head;]

No obstante, has conocido mucha tristeza, porque me has rechazado muchas veces a causa del orgullo y de los afanes del mundo. [Nevertheless, thou hast seen great sorrow, for thou hast rejected me many times because of pride and the cares of the world.] Again he just looked up at us and said in amazement, “It’s like God is talking to me.” 

Pero he aquí, los días de tu liberación han llegado, si escuchas mi voz que te dice: Levántate y bautízate, y lava tus pecados, invocando mi nombre, y recibirás mi Espíritu y una bendición mayor que cualquiera que hayas conocido. [But, behold, the days of thy deliverance are come, if thou wilt hearken to my voice, which saith unto thee: Arise and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on my name, and you shall receive my Spirit, and a blessing so great as you never have known.]

Y si haces esto, te he preparado para una obra mayor. [And if thou do this, I have prepared thee for a greater work.] Marcos then said, “HOW IN THE WORLD? We were talking before about how I would be a good missionary?!”

Predicarás la plenitud de mi evangelio que he enviado en estos últimos días, el convenio que he enviado pararecobrar a los de mi pueblo, que son de la casa de Israel. [Thou shalt preach the fulness of my gospel, which I have sent forth in these last days, the covenant which I have sent forth to recover my people, which are of the house of Israel.]

I had never seen someone read the scriptures so SLOWLY, and truly absorb ALL that the verses had to say, as Marcos did that day. He looked up at said, Issela will you go to church with me on Sunday?! And I am happy to report that when I got up to give my talk in Sacrament Meeting yesterday, Marcos quietly walked in the back doors. I almost gave him a shout-out in the middle of my talk, but I wanted to keep the reverence that was there or else I totally would have done it!
The scriptures are written for US!! Apply them to your life and you will know how to have eternal life. 

I LOVE YOU all and hope you have a wonderful week!
Hermana B

Exploring on P-day with Hermana Rebolledo